
Tibet Travel: The Equipment Your prepare

Tourists to Tibet what equipment to prepare it? Tibet Tourism Bureau professional advice, tourist travel to Tibet in the choice of equipment, be sure to consider the tourist routes, tourist destination, the climate and the environment, do not blindly buy travel equipment, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble and loss. The average elevation of 4,500 meters of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the "roof of the world," said. This low air pressure, oxygen 50% less than the plain areas, the temperature difference between day and night, windy and dry, strong sunlight and UV radiation. Therefore, travel to Tibet to visit other places with different, more things need to be prepared.

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China Adventure: Japan Private Tour to Shenyang

August 17, Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Tourism Liu Xiuzhi Secretary Tourism Bureau, met with visiting Japanese Sasebo City Planning Department of International Policy Division at the end of Wing Lung Division, Sasebo Tourist Association Division minister Akagi Wang, Sasebo City Tourism Property Promotion Bureau in the island Yasuko and other guests.
Liu Xiuzhi Secretary of Sasebo City, guests at the Shenyang International Tourism Festival welcomed the visit, she said, Shenyang and Sasebo City in recent years in promoting bilateral economic and trade, tourism and cooperation in education and achieved a lot. Japanese tourism has many high-quality tourist product, in addition to the traditional tourist routes, the western Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Kumamoto for Shenyang, also has a strong tourist attraction. The tourism industry hopes the two sides of the docking well, to further promote the exchange of the two tourists, youth exchange and economic and trade exchanges.
The end of Wing Lung Division, said that he was pleased to visit Shenyang International Tourism Festival Shenyang. He said recently visited in the Zhongshan Park in the international tourism exhibition, the show's size and number of visitors are very surprised, grateful, Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Tourism to build such an Shenyang public communication platform, Sasebo City will continue to pay attention and participate in Shenyang held similar events. Sasebo guests visiting Sasebo to Liu Xiuzhi Secretary introduced the most famous Kujukushima, Huis Ten Bosch Sasebo and other tourist attractions and abundant food resources, all kinds of celebrations and so on.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hong Kong Tour: Milky Way of Love

Vice Governor Zhang Tong, the provincial CPPCC vice chairman Qiu Yue, Zhang Dahua Provincial Tourism Bureau, Provincial Department of Culture, deputy director of Yanrong Li, Du Haibo provincial propaganda department, the provincial Radio and TV Station horsepower, Shiyan Municipal People's Government jointly launched the Mayor Zhou Ji grand "Milky love" love songs show.

"Tanabata" Night of the "Milky Way of Love" songs show the large-scale festivals to a climax. Shiyan City Vice Mayor Shen Qiang of 77 couples witnesses. Jiang Dawei from the three areas, students pay a couple flute, Tengger, Yu Quan, Jolin Tsai, David Tao, Tang Can, Xiong Rulin, Heng, Yang Kun, Nine units on the same combination of singing.

Tanabata Festival this by Hubei Provincial Propaganda Department, the Provincial Department of Culture, the Provincial Tourism Bureau, Shiyan Municipal Government, is excellent culture Yunxi promote the implementation of the "Travel county" strategy is an important carrier of historical and cultural heritage, promote Shiyan tourism as an important platform, will be boosting Shiyan tourism, promote the culture of the Han River, showing the image of Hubei, the spiritual heritage of Chinese civilization feast. Festival will attract over 10,000 participants at home and abroad, more than 20 media correspondents at home and abroad to be interviewed.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Tour: Huangshan Train Tour

August 6, in the cheerful sound of drums, made ​​from Guangzhou to slowly air-conditioned tourist train stops in the Huangshan train station, from Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Foshan and other places of more than 800 tourists were riding with laughter Huangshan on the beautiful earth.

"My children and wife married 30 years, and today just in time for Tanabata, our tours are also arranged a 'Qingrengu' said the Jadeite, which is the best way to commemorate our marriage is very happy." Under car, aunt holding his wife said happily. "I took advantage of summer vacation to experience the cool Huangshan, travel by train along the way feel very comfortable, very convenient." Face is still the joy of reading Masong Zhi.

Huangshan tourism market order to further increase the development of summer, early July in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Shunde, Guangzhou and other major efforts to carry out a tourism "Three" marketing, a comprehensive development in remote markets, marketing ideas, vigorously promote summer tourism , plan, organize marketing activities, the use of tourism marketing incentives to promote enterprise docking market, stimulate local travel agents publicize and promote the Huangshan tourism products.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Tour: Huaian Tour

June JAC earth, ocean waves, grass green, pack of charming scenery. A rain leaving Watertown Huai'an verdant, beautiful. With the rapid development of the tourism industry to explore the mysteries of Huai'an purpose, we interviewed a group of his party came fascinated historical cities and cultural city, eco-Watertown, Industrial Park Huai. Beautiful natural scenery, cultural heritage and a unique heavy Huaiyang dishes we linger, Huai'an a foothold on their own resources to go the road of cultural and ecological tourism development approach is to have left a deep impression. Like a jade belt in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, past the prestigious "Canal City" Huai is quietly rising, while leveraging the rapid economic and social development of the Huai an important support for the tourism industry. On Huai'an tourism development, party secretary Liu Yongzhong full of deep feeling: "God of this land Huai'an soft spot for love with Canada, given here, 'a brand', our purpose is to make good use of these brands, to lay the cultural brand , eco card, so Huai'an become desirable tourist destination. "

New way to speed up development of large-city travel
In 2008, the Huai municipal government vision, assess the situation and propose closely around the Jiangsu provincial government's "important to Huai'an into Northern cities' strategic positioning, full speed up to build a large traffic, cultivating a large industry, the development of large circulation, prosperity and great culture, development of tourism, "the five-building" grand strategic vision. Liu Yongzhong secretary had made ​​a humorous example: "If the city is an important center of Northern Taiwan face, the face of the five supporting construction of the station is five powerful Tai Zhuzi." Municipal government of this strategic decision, not only as pointed out the direction for future development Huai'an, but also for tourism development ushered in the spring Huai. "Tourism is the development of green engine, we travel to sing the trilogy: The first step sing of Jiangsu, the second step sing country, the third step sing the world," Liu Yongzhong secretary of the poetic words, confidence and passion.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


China Adventure: Fuan Historical Streets

Downstairs village, a river located in Fuan City Ningde handle column Ocean Park south of town, a mysterious village. 32 regular shape of big houses, the earliest was built Jiaqing thirteen years, the big wide shape spectacular, unique architectural features.

Chen Zhihua, an architecture professor at Tsinghua University, twice in this research, and the book "downstairs village", praised it as "the most ancient houses in Fujian characteristics." In January 2008, the village has even been downstairs Fujian Provincial People's Government as the third installment of historical and cultural village.

But recently, villagers in the downstairs about our ancestors left these "wealth", the marvel. As the wind and sun, inadequate protection, the village of ancient houses have been damaged to varying degrees; some beautiful wood carvings, screens have been stolen to sell; even more distressed the individual rooms of the old one's actually turned into a pig of the village. Thirty buildings in a large house, now preserved only more than twenty buildings, ancient houses group precarious.

Downstairs into the village, as the country turned a simple leisurely picture, the patchwork of seclusion in the mountains between the big house. Stone along the road about two meters wide shuttle, so is the yellow walls of rammed earth. Place in them, feeling a kind of strong sense of the historical vicissitudes.
According to village elders introduced Jiaqing years, Liu Liu Xiangrong ancestors of the first buildings built in the village mansion, known as "Yang the house." Then his descendants in the neighboring position, gradually built a shape similar to the big house. Concentrated in large houses in three villages in the middle of the lateral trunk. From Jiaqing Xianfeng three years to thirteen years, a total of thirty traditional residential buildings going up in this big house, even into spectacular residential group.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Customize Tour Packages to Sichuan

Currently, Sichuan tourist attractions and the surrounding environment, the tourism market order-cum-security special operations are conducted within the province. Through "joint police brigade" approach, the province's major tourist attractions and the surrounding disturb the market order to effectively curb illegal activities, tourists and tour operators to protect the legal interests of the province's tourism image has been enhanced. Among them, Leshan and Yibin two particularly prominent.
Leshan: Police Brigade hailed the joint fight against soliciting
Leshan tourism, public security departments to fully play two "joint police brigade" mechanism, joint strike out and hailed Travel Sike seal soliciting other illegal acts.
Leshan tourism-related law enforcement detachment official told reporters: "The local travel agents to hold within the specified time the travel agency seal, corporate chapter, financial seal, invoice stamp, etc., were to Leshan City Public Security management and tourism law enforcement detachment to detachment record management. "As of now, the city had 22 Travel Service Head Office and 15 travel bureaus record.
In addition, Leshan also strengthen the tourism market check, stop soliciting behavior. Since late June since Leshan tourism law enforcement detachment has been deployed 40 law enforcement vehicles travel times, more than 100 times law enforcement officers, highway entrance to the Leshan city center, tourist attractions and other places along the squat and inspections to prevent the thrust block soliciting people to recover self-driving tour of foreign tourists, dining.
In addition, the Leshan tourism sector also control department with the city, on the fish restaurants along the scenic roads, "a shop bringing more" behavior and special treatment.
Yibin: meals, lodging, shopping entertainment travel with more confidence
Around the "room and board, travel shopping entertainment" six elements of tourism, Yibin further increase the tourism regulatory and law enforcement. Today, visitors in the Bamboo Sea area, dining area Xingwen Dan Haijing can be more assured.
The combination of special events, Yibin travel the road transport market to carry out rectification. Strengthen the linkage of urban and rural transportation authority mutual aid, joint law enforcement operations, and severely punish the Bamboo Travel Agency and other illegal hiring non-qualified passenger vehicles operating tourist behavior.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Shangrao was Selected as Top 100 China Ecological Tour Destinations

National patriotism education bases Jinggangshan "at work" theme project - Jinggangshan Revolutionary Museum of the main giant granite relief, "the starting point of victory" has been produced. Composed of 200 granite relief has started operation of Jinggangshan, installation is expected to be completed this month.

It is reported that this relief as a whole Xingzhuang Si eagle, 8 meters high, meaning the 80th anniversary of People's Liberation Army; length 19.27 m, the implication of Mao Zedong in 1927 Jinggangshan revolutionary base. Overall relief figures carved 108 Red Army, some embracing, some in the arm, more Red Army soldiers shouted in excitement, every face was beaming with the joy of victory. Mao Zedong and Zhu De, the middle of the sculpture stood side by side visual distance, show the two great men of vision and ambition.

Correspondent 11 from air ticketing agency noted that, while the Golden Week is over, but many people choose to holiday travel, so some of the long-term ticket prices remain strong.It is reported that ticket prices remain strong to fly the route is mainly Guilin, Haikou and other hot cities on the route. Such as the October 15, Fuzhou, Haikou flights discount flights to a minimum but also 8.5 fold; and did not even fly to Guilin flights discount; fly to Kunming, Beijing and other long-haul fares are more than 7 fold. Nevertheless, some airline ticket prices have dropped significantly, such as the now half of the amount as long as the ticket to Hangzhou, Nanjing, tickets to fly as long as 6 fold.Industry insiders estimate that as the holiday effect gradually subsided, many special fares will reproduce, passengers can travel without worry and then a few more days to save money.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Travel to Hangzhou of Creative City

Just concluded in Beijing, the sixth "Creative China a harmonious world," International Forum on Cultural Industries to upload news, Hangzhou was awarded the Academy Award global culture industry - the world's leading urban cultural industry "creative demonstration Award" as the only winner in China The winning city.

The sixth "Creative China a harmonious world," International Cultural Industry Forum, the Ministry of Culture, State Administration of Radio, the State Press and Publication Administration, United Nations Development Programme, World Intellectual Property Organization and other units supported by Communication University of China, Australia, Queensland University co-sponsored. The forum has so far successfully held five times, has become China's cultural industry to understand the world and a window and leading international academic and cultural industries tend to benchmark, gained widespread national support, and has won widespread attention. As a highlight of the Forum, the Academy Award for the global culture industry has set up a global cultural industry, academic "thought-driven Award", the park features the world's cultural industries' leading innovation award "and the global cultural industry leader in the city" Creative Demonstration Award "three awards, list of recommendations from around the world in the selection of units out of 22 finalists, several rounds of anonymous review by experts, and finally the Chinese city of Hangzhou and Sydney, Australia to stand out from the short-listed cities to share the global culture industry leader in the city "Creative Model Award." Xixi Industrial Park, the city received the world's creative cultural industry park features the "Innovation Award to lead." Hangzhou award, marking the city's cultural and creative industries development and industrial park construction achievements have been domestic and international academic recognition and affirmation, and the typical experience as a new promotion.

In recent years, Hangzhou center on the "build the country's cultural and creative center" objective, in-depth implementation of the strategy of soft power to enhance and promote cultural and creative industries to accelerate development. According to statistics, during the first half of this year, the city's cultural and creative industries added value of 34.096 billion yuan, according to comparable prices, an increase of 13.5%, higher than GDP growth by 2.9 percentage points higher than the added value of tertiary industry increased by 1.6 percentage points. Cultural and creative enterprises above designated size realized main business income of 69.945 billion yuan, an increase of 21.9%, realizing profits of 8.26 billion yuan, an increase of 47.3%.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Grand Buddha Set in Jiuhua Mountain

In the morning, Jiuhuashan open at Jizo statue siding installation celebration.It is understood that traffic police will put police entrance located in the switching center, Circle mouth, nine Yin Bridge Crossing, the second in the intersection, cross the old fifty-nine line the mouth, Ke Village Street entrance, Song Village intersection (two points), "Copper like a celebration, "the main duty site other eight points, while arrangements for major road motorcycle patrols, especially along the junction of strict control, step up patrols to stop vehicles on the road leading to the active site of the temporary or long-parked. Another is to strengthen the "tourist hub" traffic light area management, good traffic diversion, to divert work to do to participate in celebrations of the guests vehicle guidance.

Up to now, a large bronze statue of Jiuhuashan 99 meters have been put into construction projects amount to about $ 100 million to complete the pouring of concrete core wall approximately 67.1 meters, completed the podium 90% of the quantities, copper, bronze mounted scaffolding has been completed, project installation phase into a copper body. Expected, the bronze statue of siding installation will be completed in June next year, the statue was completed in September next year finishing, corrosion, paint work, the entire project is expected to be completed in 2008 and to achieve great temple statue during the opening.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Chengdu Seoul Tour Cooperation 2011

South Korea as Asia's leading one of the country of departure, is the world's various tourist destinations compete for the tourist market. To further speed up the process of internationalization of Chengdu tourism marketing, market entry to open up South Korea, yesterday, by Chengdu Tourism Bureau, Chengdu Culture Travel Group and Korea's largest travel group Halatuer (HANA TOUR) Tour Group co-hosted the "Chengdu (Seoul) Tourism promotion "held in Seoul, Korea. Sichuan Provincial Committee and Party Secretary Li Chengdu City, China Embassy in South Korea, Minister Counsellor Zhang, the president of South Korea Halatuer right cassiterite Travel Group jointly launched the "South Korea - Chengdu tourism marketing network." Municipal Committee, Secretary-General Deng Quanzhong attended the meeting.

Chengdu Tourism Bureau and Chengdu Culture Travel Group co-hosted the "Chengdu (Seoul) tourism promotion" to "the birthplace of Taoism, the three cultural sites of the world's culinary capital town Panda" is the theme through lectures, video and other means to South Korea industry insiders Chengdu Taoism, food, three cultures, panda four of tourism resources, tourism and cultural product line. Among them, the exchange has produced the "world of modern garden city - Chengdu" promotional film by the Korean image of Koreans living in Chengdu, about, with a unique perspective of the Korean preference for South Korean tourists Taoism, the three countries, food , tourism and leisure lifestyle Panda truly revealed, has been highly praised by participants.

Promotion Conference, Chengdu, Asia Pacific Tourism Association and the revitalization of the city tourism agency signed a "Declaration on the common development of tourism" in Chengdu Culture Travel Group and Korea's largest travel group Halatuer signed a "comprehensive strategic tourism marketing cooperation agreement," the two sides will adhere to the "friendship, cooperation, harmony and win-win "principle, to promote Chengdu tourism in-depth exchanges with South Korea, to strengthen tourism cooperation to promote regional interaction, and strive to achieve in Chengdu, visitors traveling between the size of South Korea's continued growth.

At the meeting, Li City, Zhang Hua, the right of cassiterite jointly launched the "South Korea - Chengdu tourism marketing network", means that Chengdu will scale in Korea's tourism brand and product marketing, will further accelerate the internationalization of Chengdu, the process of tourism marketing .For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Tianjin Bus Tour

Reporters learned yesterday, Tianjin Transportation Group, launched in June of Binhai New Area and the downtown open-top double-decker tour bus, "Night Castle travel lanes," Castle has become a beautiful landscape, attracting a large number of tourists every day sightseeing. As the summer at a time when, should the requirements of the general public and tourists, with immediate effect, Saturday and Sunday from two classes of 19:30,20:30, adjusted to 19:30,20:00,20:30,21 : 00 four flights.

Tianjin, a beautiful night with a unique combination of light and tone of the city, shows 600 years of history this city has new vigor and vitality. To allow visitors to experience the Castle's beautiful night view of the perfect, well-organized tour group transportation lines, since June, launched a night tour and departure arrangements in place with a rich exotic Italian style street Marco Polo Plaza. Night tour route through Jin Wan Plaza, Haihe Jintang Bridge, Lion Bridge, Yongle Bridge Tianjin Eye, Tianjin Railway Station, Drum Tower, the Ancient Culture Street, Food Street, Tianjin landmark night light locations, and with a professional guided tours, by the general public and tourists. At present, the double-decker open-top sightseeing bus, "Castle Night Tour Line" has made ​​568 class flights, tourists 22,000 people. With immediate effect, the line every Saturday, two days in the original 19:30,20:30 two classes, based on the increase 20:00,21:00 two flights, to four times a night.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


China Qufu Confucius Temple Tour

Qufu Confucius Six Arts City to visit other rich content to increase visitors to the cultural experience, to extend the residence time, stimulate consumption as an important subject, formed with its own characteristics, "Six Arts" study tours, folk travel guru, "Six Arts" music, dance and hole government food and other items, a scenic tourist attraction selling point.

"Six Arts" study tours: sightseeing in the evolution of the traditional financial knowledge, participation, fun tour as one of the further studies, as a Confucian temple of the tourists among students so that they Bachelor of ancient robes, pay homage to Confucius, the began to learn etiquette, practice archery, Wu Sheng Road, practice calligraphy and painting, reading and music theory, broken maze, listening to lectures, "Six Classics" tour after the area for further studies presented commemorative certificates and take pictures. Allowing visitors to tour in a fun and interesting knowledge in sentiment, "six arts" culture's unique charm.

Guru Folk Tour: Golden Week each tour, there are folk artists from all over to show area, visitors can buy in the area to Kai wood carvings, wood paintings, paper cuttings, Lu brocade, clay sculpture, figurines, straw, sugar painting and other traditional crafts, you can also enjoy the green onion pancake roll, Si River smoked tofu, Confucian cakes, Confucian wine, tea and other specialty foods Six Classics, enjoy storytelling Guci, dragon and lion dances, carrying the sedan chair, designated land boat, two bucket , stilt-walkers, wedding and other traditional performing arts projects, interest actions, and can also be personally involved, feel the colorful folk guru.

"Six Arts" dance: "" six arts "dance" sub-ritual, music, shooting, defense, and books, the number six chapters, vividly depicts the Spring and Autumn period of China's ancient ancestors of the pure and simple life, emotions, ideals and aspirations. Music and dance performances, charming yet elegant, soft both upright. Visitors can both solemn and lively arts scene, the experience of Confucius, "and in pure" aesthetics.

Confucian food products: area adhering to Confucius, "food is too refined, cuisine is too thin," the principles of the diet, inheritance, and speak the traditional Confucian food production methods, innovative flavors, enhance culture, the formation of a Confucian family dinner, birthday, The Wedding Banquet and the "Six Arts" cultural feast. Allowing visitors to taste the food, while Confucian and enjoy profound traditional Chinese food culture.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Ningxia Jiangsu Tour Cooperation

To further implement the State Council Document No. 41, to implement the National Tourism Bureau just concluded workshop, to further "strengthen regional cooperation, service development of the west," Recently, Ningxia - Jiangsu tourism cooperation forum was successfully held in Yinchuan. Tourism Bureau, Jiangsu Province, Wang Yong Hong, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Tourism Bureau Chun-Yang Li attended the event and delivered speeches. Jiangsu Tourism Bureau Deputy Director Xu Zhou, Tang Jianguo, deputy inspector; Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Tourism Administration deputy director Xue Gang, member of the Party Group, discipline inspection team leader Pangjun Hai, deputy inspector Party equal to attend tourism cooperation forum.

At the forum, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Tourism Bureau Chunyang first to Tourism Bureau, Jiangsu Province, Wang Yong-hong said the Secretary and his entourage sincere welcome, he briefly introduced the Ningxia social, economic, cultural and tourism development profiles, and Ningxia, the "Two Mountains a river, two sand scene, two languages ​​and a mausoleum, "the tourist attractions and advantages of the two provinces hope to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in tourism, develop tourism market.

Tourism Bureau, Jiangsu Province, Wang Yong-hong in Ningxia - Tourism Cooperation forum on the introduction of Jiangsu, Jiangsu is located in the Yangtze River, Yellow Sea, since ancient times, "land of plenty" in the world. Jiangsu to 1% of the country's land and 6% of the population, creating the country's gross national product of 10% and 10% of the total fiscal revenue. Jiangsu long history of accumulation and beautiful natural scenery, creating the province's rich tourism resources. Yangtze River, the canal, a tourist city block, with different features, like a dolphin pearls. Yangtze River, Taihu Lake, Lake, Grand Canal, gave birth to the Yellow river water resources and cultural infiltration Wu Yunhan south wind, cast "good Jiangsu" tourist image.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Taiwan Free Tour Becomes Easy For Anhui Visitors

Yesterday, Taiwan's Hualien Airport from flying the plane landed in Hefei Airport, tour tourism tourist charter flights will bring many benefits to Taiwan, Anhui Province. Since the implementation of charter travel cut bit (refer to the underwriting of a daily travel wholesalers flight guilin tours, and bear a fixed number of seats sold risk), so compared to other flights have more discount, every Wednesday is expected to start the next tour will be cheaper near Taiwan thousand dollars. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter with a travel agency in Anhui Zhang Guanghui, director of market development center to get in touch, he just Hualien to take the inaugural flight back to Hefei, Hefei. "This is our 'mini three links' in the past, and then take the maiden flight back, I feel pretty good."

Anhui Province in 2009 to become the second batch of mainland residents to travel one open area. April that year, an official in Anhui Province travel to Taiwan first group left. September of that year, Hefei has achieved direct flights to Taipei. Currently, Anhui tourism market is more  guilin travel mainstream travel routes to Taiwan is "day trips around the island", depending on reception conditions are different, the recent quote for the 6,000 to 7,000 yuan. According to tourism department statistics, from Anhui Province to Taiwan to visit open date, more than 30,000 visitors Anhui Offered to Taiwan through travel agencies.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency China


Hangzhou Tour: Fenghua Peach Festival

The "sweet music Fenghua peach township tour and the line" as the theme of the 2011 China (Fenghua) Peach Peach Xikou Tourism and Culture Festival hangzhou tours and poetry will be held in Fenghua Xikou. Went to Crazy Love, the annual Peach Festival is a summer Fenghua Fenghua tourism event. This year's Peach Festival is not only rich in activities, and distinctive. First, the "sweet" a prominent theme, the "drunk beauty Peach Night" quiet river mobile landscape, "Sweet Happy shopping, Xikou consumption month" tourist season activities, "Sweet Memory" that the two mountain villages Film Week and other activities; second more visitors to participate in sexual activity, there is open pick Fenghua peach peach base tour, "Li Buddha goods peach" Sweet peach township hangzhou travel tours, "read the historical experience of agricultural products vulgar" Yantou village festivals, and open swim; Third Tourism and culture closely with the introduction of the 2011 China (Fenghua) peach peach Xikou Tourism and Culture Festival and the opening ceremony of poetry, "Yan Chuan product nectar Yulu express feelings" poetry Xikou peach, peach festival tourism promotion activities. It is reported, will run from mid-July and lasts until mid-August.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china 


Hangzhou Tours: Thousands Islets Lake

Recently, Hangzhou Chun'an Lake Ferry travel to 20 buses, down more than 700 passengers on board, from the Hunan Hengyang railway station, take the "Lake" was hangzhou tours to reach Huangshan train station, the ride vehicle to reach the Kuril Lake Gordon off, as long-term market to open up a breakthrough Lake travel.
It is understood that this tour is to train Qiandao Lake Blue Sky Travel Co., Ltd. Changsha Branch joint treasure in tourism, to attract the market in Hunan's first trip to visit Lake tourist train, the line is "handsome Huangshan Xiu Water Lake" recreational four day tour. Lake Blue Sky travel agent Wu Xiaohong told 'Market Guide, "a reporter, first-class landscape scenery Lake in Hunan tourism market has been highly respected, Lake tourist train an opening, Xiang-off overwhelming response, the current plans to launch twice train, to meet market demand.
Since upgrading to 5A scenic Lake after the tour Redu continuous "high temperature", which in the long line of tourists traveling by car, and was significantly , hangzhou travel increased. Call the local tourism sector, travel agencies out of the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, bigger markets, Lake Blue Sky Travel positive response. The company's long-term travel for the development of the domestic market, has established a nationwide six branches, which formed only a month's Hunan Branch, the lure of the more than 700 large tourist groups, but also confirms the Lake travel on the domestic long-term market potential.
"We travel in the Lake during the period, a variety of activities, felt personally Lake-class natural scenery, unique local products to buy goods here." Changsha, Hunan tourists Xie Weimin said, they go back and take the feelings of Lake Description to relatives and friends, so that more passengers to travel here Xiang, flying mood.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Travel: July Red Tour

"A boat out of a major party, the spirit of the red boat is also the source of China's revolutionary spirit, we travel through the red, better hangzhou tours publicity, inherit and carry forward the spirit of the red boat, encourage cadres and the masses love the party and socialism, more consciously the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. a region, a scenic area, with its unique landscape and its unique cultural good combination, is this area, the region where the core competitiveness of the tourism industry. Jiaxing is around the development of red tourism red Boat, the birth of our party, this a very valuable spiritual wealth, cultural resources and beautiful scenery of Jiangnan good combination, so that the entire South Lake tourism content, quality can be more improved, the tourists have a more profound impression. "this is a CCTV focus" touch the red mark "- the development of red tourism feature film Jiaxing Municipal Committee Li Weining interview clips.
     Not long ago, CCTV Focus program director Yixing Jiaxing come for three days of interviews, planning and production of the development of red tourism in Jiaxing theme of "touch the red mark" feature film. This is to welcome the 90th anniversary of the implementation of the hangzhou travel national spirit of red tourism working conference planning and production of feature films. CPC Central Committee, Central Committee, Liu Yunshan recently visited the Propaganda Department, the birthplace of the party - Jiaxing inspection, investigation Jiaxing culture, red tourism construction, about to open a new museum commemorating the revolution of South Lake gave a high evaluation, said the new museum "building first-class, first class facilities, showcasing first-class." The CCTV's "Focus" red tourism focus Jiaxing, Jiaxing, as is the "red classics, modern interpretations," the concept of practice and special options.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Tour to Anshan

Currently, Taiwan is the free exercise of the first tourists in Taiwan enjoy the views. Although not the first open Liaoning ranks of the free exercise of Taiwan, but many people still yearn for Taiwan and Taiwan has been brought back, ready to report group to Taiwan to see.
Learned from the city tourism department, is currently in Anshan, Which travel agencies have not travel to Taiwan's contract status. According to the hangzhou tours relevant provisions of the National Tourism Administration, a branch established in the province from other provinces may not engage in business and attract tourism to Taiwan, travel agents to attract tourism to Taiwan not included. Currently, the province is only six travel agencies have tours to Taiwan tourism qualifications, and the city's only branch with Anshan, Liaoning Comfort Travel to Taiwan advice, solicit business qualifications, other travel agencies and affiliates have no such qualifications.
Yu said Taiwan has not only, travel agents, commission agents between outbound travel business will also change. Currently, only Anshan Anshan China International Travel Service and several travel agencies have legitimate outbound branch qualification, other travel agencies are subject to large travel agencies, Shenyang and other places the agency in carrying out outbound travel business, tourists almost any travel agency travel abroad can register . However, according to the requirements of provincial tourism hangzhou travel departments, now that the agency has been halted, and from next year so the agency will be canceled, that is, starting next year is not a travel agency can carry out any outbound travel business.
According to Tourism Bureau of the parties, the Provincial Tourism Bureau has suspended travel of the record for the agency to attract work force of the agreement the agency can continue to attract December 31, 2011, after the agency suspended travel to attract business to carry out . 2012, in addition to travel abroad to carry out business with qualified travel agents, other travel agencies are not allowed to travel abroad to carry out further operations, or according to the "Travel Regulations" Article 46, confiscate the illegal income, impose a fine.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency China


Hangzhou Tour: Jiangsu Rural Tour

July 11, "2011, Zhejiang Province, rural tourism training," starting ceremony awarding ceremony of the workstation industry cooperation was held in Pan County. Jian-Guo Ye, deputy hangzhou tours, director of the Provincial Tourism Office, Provincial Tourism Bureau of Personnel and Education Department, Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College, Jinhua City Tourism Bureau official, and Pan and other leaders attended the county.
Provincial Tourism Bureau Deputy Director Jian-Guo Ye speech at the launching ceremony. He said the provincial government attach great importance to Zhejiang "peasant music" tour of this new industry, the development of Zhejiang "Farm Fun" new era of tourism as a transformation of agriculture, farmers continued to increase employment and an important task, I Province, rural tourism has shown a sustained and  hangzhou travel healthy development of a good situation. Since 2008, Provincial Tourism Bureau launched the "Travel Huinong delivery service" activities since the Provincial Tourism Bureau and relevant departments to actively organize the tourism activities, especially Tourism College of Zhejiang carried out for four consecutive years of "hospital services Zhejiang Tourism Travel "as the theme," into the industry, went into business, "Summer tourism education delivery services activities, which marked success. Jian-Guo Ye stressed that the local tourism sector to further strengthen the leadership, strengthen coordination, continue to promote the "free training for rural tourism professionals' activities.
     Zhejiang Tourism Vocational and Technical College also Pan'an People's Government signed a "school to work closely together on the establishment of a framework agreement" and granted in Pan County Tourism Bureau, "Tourism College of Zhejiang Pan workstation industry-university collaboration" plaque to build school co-operation platform for full college and the local tourism administration departments the advantages of cooperation.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hong Kong Tours: Jinan New Hot Spring

832.801 m! Recently launched in Jinan City, the largest spring census activities in the southern mountain ridge mountain ladder was found at the water the horses spring to become the highest elevation ever discovered Jinan spring.  8 am, under the guidance of a local guide, follow hk tours the spring survey team into the ladder by the water curtain Shanxi Lu Gap area, walk up along the mountain, about 40 minutes trip to find spring water the horses. A spring located on the ridge Wang, Quan Chi made of stone and assembled, horseshoe. Spring pool the strengths 4.1 meters, maximum width of 3.7 meters. Pool depth of 50 cm, hand touch of the cool earth. Subsequently, the survey team used GPS equipment to locate the pool of spring, the spring is 832.801 meters above sea level.

Newly discovered spring water can enter the name list of spring? TIAN Xiao-dong said the census to be fully completed, will be to collate information on the screening of spring water, spring water and invited experts to demonstrate newly discovered spring. Experts from the spring water emission, there is the history of the time, spring water on the surrounding residents and the environment impact assessment hk travel and other aspects. After the demonstration by the expert assessment, the results form a written report, submitted to the Municipal People's Congress for review, the municipal people's congress to discuss and decide whether to comply with the conditions spring springs were included in the directory name of spring.  It is understood that this screening program to establish the city's first spring geographic information database, written account of Jinan springs natural landscape and cultural landscape, "Jinan springs annals." As of 8 pm, has been screening spring 388, a new found spring 82. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Travel: Wuhu Red Tour

Since early July, Wuhu activity continues to heat up the red theme, both in neighborhoods and communities, cultural centers and stations, or in the street Square, recalling the party en mass cultural activities Chung party situation continued, always focussed on painting, song hangzhou tours loud and clear red, squares show , the testimony of the people of Red River City to party, love the motherland and the deep affection.
"July 1" since the Wuhu City Cultural Center multi-functional performance hall performance after another, many street people community performances held here, there are red song chorus, red classic opera singing, as well as older cultural performances. Despite the hot weather, but the enthusiasm of the masses, distinctive red theme of cultural activities to express the River City People remember the party Well, praise of the motherland's warm feelings.
In addition, Wuhu Arts Theatre, City Cultural Center, City Library and other professional art and mass culture, cultural organizations have launched to send to the grassroots, with joyous celebrations with the people, "July" series of activities, such as organizing a tribute to  hangzhou travel the party and the motherland the theme of "blossoming sunflower to the sun," children's art Tiaoyan, every Saturday and Sunday free film screenings held in the red and so on. Composed of amateur artists from the city's art squad, twice a week in Riverside Park, Zheshan Park in cool air show. City Cultural Center dance professionals also go to the grass-roots units counseling rehearsals to help corporate workers to carry the red theme of cultural performances.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Tour Hangzhou: Miss World Tour

09 July Zhejiang Online News reporter yesterday from the 2011 Miss Tourism World finals in the annual championship organizing committee of hangzhou tours Zhejiang learned tonight at 6:30, the annual Miss Tourism World 2011 title in the finals in Zhejiang Jinhua city camellia culture Park.
The competition sponsored by the CCTV, etc., Jinhua City Tourism Bureau, Jinhua Daily special support in the 2011 Miss Tourism World finals Zhejiang Organizing Committee, Hengdian mahogany furniture center, rice beans activities network host.
"Miss Tourism World finals championship year," is an international tourism and cultural envoy contest, aimed at promoting the tourism and cultural exchanges and cooperation, founded in 1993, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, has been successfully held 16 sessions, held in the city also the hangzhou travel first time. April 27 start date, which lasted more than two months after application, audition, semi-finals, collecting folk songs parade, training and other sectors by CCTV and other media and community attention. Readers can log on the new Jinhua Jinhua News Network Forum (http://bbs.jhnews.com.cn) and Chouzhou Forum to watch the webcast.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Travel Hangzhou: China Dragon Park

Beginning July 1, China Dinosaur Park "dinosaur International Carnival" officially kicked off, every day to ten hours of revelry, so that tourists and local people to experience and enjoy the passion to be completely lit. Reporters learned that as of July 3, Dinosaur hangzhou tours Park, the number of tourists has received more than 80,000 passengers, up by half.
Several days of high-temperature peak to the new Lu Bula popular hot water in the world, outside in the Dinosaur Park, the reporter saw the big horn and the 30-meter super skateboard standing in the park. Come next, from time to time sitting in the visitors screaming slide valve under the anxious speed skating. Water world yellow beach, tall coconut trees, very cool people all of a sudden heat of water projects totally disappeared. This year the two heavy items "extremely abyss" and "super slide" has become a gathering place for most young, screaming voices. Not try to gather a lot of tourists to the viewing platform to see how other people in the huge bell in the rotation, oscillation, close to experience the impact of power loudspeakers.
19:00, passionate bikini dance show in Lu Bula water stage curtain, the influx of tourists wave pool, with waves rolling up and down one after another, with the  hangzhou travel stage set off bursts of music, carnival climax.
About half past eight pm, the roads along the parade, visitors team actually scheduled to be several hundred meters long, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the float.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china.


Travel Hong Kong: Huangshan Photography Competetion

Huangshan Scenic Area, "Shilin" Sunrise Photo Contest Huangshan Cup kicked off today.
     Huangshan ancient Yishan to pines, rocks, clouds, hot springs, winter snows "five no" known to the world, is hailed "the best in the world Hong Kong Tours Church Hill", with its gods, strange, dangerous magic of the natural scenery become a paradise for photographers outside, and Huangshan Huangshan sunrise is the eternal theme of landscape photography. In order to fully display the unique charm of Huangshan sunrise to further enhance the visibility of Huangshan Scenic Area and influence, Huangshan Scenic Area Photographers, Huangshan Shilin Hotel Huangshan tourism e-commerce network and co-sponsored the "Lion Forest" Huangshan Cup sunrise Hong Kong Travel photography contest for the national collection of photography enthusiasts Huangshan sunrise photos.
     Competition awards a total of more than 60 prizes, amounting to several million. In order to improve the users of interactive participation, also established the "Huangshan sunrise of my favorite works," and in the lucky draw in users. Competition for two months, the provincial, city and scenic photographers and photographic industry veterans group of experts selected works, and invited to the famous Chinese landscape photographer Mr. Yu Yuntian and Mr. Yuan Lianmin as expert consultants.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Tour Hong Kong: Shangdong High Speed Rail

July 6, by the Shandong Provincial Tourism Bureau, Jinan Railway Bureau organized Dean Jie global consultant throughout the planning, and with the Shandong Railway tourism advertising group co-host of "'free style hospitality high-speed rail line in Shandong' - China's Hong Kong Tours first road high-speed rail travel in the marketing Conference, "at 7:00 in from Beijing to Shanghai high-speed rail on the G101 second success. From domestic and international tourism, cultural, political and economic experts in the industry, the rapid pace of high-speed rail on top, high-speed rail travel for the development of Shandong fierce brainstorming.

The "high-speed rail travel in Tourism Marketing Conference" frequent creative, brilliant, "hospitality Shandong" brand under the old culture, Hong Kong Travel and the "iron age" trendy fusion, the perfect interpretation of the high-speed rail on the tourism industry, people's lifestyle and socio-economic development, brought about a strong impact. And folk artists to "Shandong quick book" in the form of clever interpretation of the Shandong Provincial Tourism Bureau launched the "three one hundred kinds of" tourism product, a conference held outside the form itself, the biggest bright spot of innovation.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency China


Hangzhou Tours: Nantong Sea Tour

Such as the East Sea due to travel all the charm of the students. The sky was clear, placid, little fishing boats, spectacular. If every high winds struck, the great tide, splashed, and are entirely different.In recent years, such as the East tourism industry ushered in unprecedented opportunities for development. In 2007, the first in Jiangsu Province to develop the tourism industry, featuring hangzhou tours economic development zone - Rudong Tourism Development Zone was established in the small ocean mouth area, tourist attractions such as the East has been further demonstrated. Construction of five key areas, namely coastal forest park featuring Resort; to step clam beach featuring "Sea disco" area; to fly a kite beach featuring "air symphony" area; to demonstrate the features of the fishing folk fishing village area, to large-scale fishing, deep-water port in foreign ports, foreign ports, featuring the new City of Port, City area and seafood restaurants matching recreation area.

"Seafood, Port, Rhine," the three sea culture is the soul of the development of tourism such as the East. "Three Sea" cultural form of expression can be summarized as follows: see Oriental harbor, jumped into the sea on the disco, fresh products in the world, listening to a symphony of air and enjoy the culture and customs, the South Yellow Sea, the first spring bulbs, suction green, hangzhou travel oxygen bar. Ocean Port is nearly in the north of the Yangtze River estuary on the coast only 30-ton deep-water port, the Yellow Sea Bridge, the bridge two 10 km pipeline bridge and man-made island, the formation of "Dragons" scene, the domestic rare. Rich production resources, such as the East China Sea, "China's first rural seafood" legendary. Such as the East is the hometown of Chinese folk culture and art, cultural heritage. Such as the East coast of the reclamation area into a piece of the existing shelter nearly 300 acres, seawall protection forest green dragon Woyu like two hundred miles above the Yellow Sea beach, is a huge natural "green oxygen bar." In the example, the Eastern travel, can not only look at the scenery and enjoy the seafood, but also self-cultivation, fun.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Travel: Keep Nanjing in Visitors's Mind

Nanjing city tourism function is greatly improved to speed up tourism industry from the "ticket economy" to "integrated economy" restructuring. By 2015, the city of Nanjing domestic tourist number exceeded 1 million passengers, the total tourism revenue exceeded 200 billion yuan, tourist arrivals exceeded 300 million passengers, an average stay of tourists in Nanjing 4 days.Reporters learned hangzhou tours that an interview in Nanjing, Sun Yat-sen, the two scenic Xuanwu Lake to cancel tickets after the Nanjing "city that tourism" development ideas more prominent. Nanjing is currently working on planning, integration and construction area of ​​40 square kilometers, the Purple Mountain - Xuanwu Lake as the core landscape of Central Park. In this large range, all kinds of tourism products and factors in the space, resources and transportation routes will be optimized to achieve multiple, combination, "five-second" period, the highlight of Nanjing city landscape characteristics of the urban forest park, will become Nanjing the most powerful area.

"South style" - the old South Historic District, Nanjing Nanjing is the next key protection, rehabilitation, "series" of area. Nanjing, the ancient capital of the old South has a rich cultural and historical resources, marketplace, protection, revitalization of this neighborhood is equivalent to retain the style and texture of ancient cultural context. "Five-second" period, "the series' old South residential group, the hangzhou travel Confucius Temple, Zhonghua Gate Castle, Qin Huai River, 1865 block, etc., the most able to demonstrate Nanjing unique historical and cultural characteristics of the local marketplace, will be the most tourists tastes, hang around the place. Nanjing's tourism attractions have their breakthrough single construction and operation of the pattern is to form the region and the whole city as one of the largest travel patterns, tourism in the Yangtze River Delta and the Nanjing market in the country, will reflect the city's comprehensive competitiveness. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Tours: Huzhou Displays Red Tour Tickets

Communist Party of China to establish 90 anniversary, Huzhou City, a private collector Shen Dihua elderly, gathered from many years received more than 7,000 tickets hangzhou tours in the red tourism out to more than 100 exquisite selection of tickets, tickets to carry out the development of red tourism, attract the majority of residents and travel enthusiasts came to watch, both for the party and presented a special gift, they also promote the development of red tourism Huzhou new steps.
Meanwhile, Huzhou city in order to fully tap and use the rich revolutionary history and cultural resources, and actively adjust the structure of the tourism industry, to develop red tourism, extensive education in patriotism and revolutionary tradition, the city's tourism economy and to promote sound and fast economic and social development, issued a special "red tourism Huzhou on accelerating the development hangzhou travel of a number of observations," and proposed to use about three years time, high standards of red and building a number of key tourist attractions, to create a certain influence of 1-2 included in the national campaign of red tourist routes, and building red tourism product development, marketing, management, personnel security, the four systems to enhance the level of development of red tourism industry, and strive to build our city, Zhejiang Province, the focus of the development of red tourism and Yangtze River Delta city of red tourism destination.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Tours: China Tour Commodity Fair

According to reports, this travel expo to achieve a total turnover of 3.078 billion yuan, increased 11.16% than last; the foreign trade turnover of 1.289 billion yuan, the total turnover of 41.88%, up 0.21%; attract viewers 11.76 million people in the scene , an increase of 10.15%, of which hangzhou tours foreign audiences to 8109 people, an increase of 13.32%, from Korea, Iraq, Turkey, the United States, France and other 82 countries and regions, attracting a total of 85 trade groups, including 48 overseas.

50,000 set can build their own huts, the price of $ 120,000 cars ... ... casual chic exhibition exhibitors to bring a number of new products by the buyers of great concern. In addition to the ordinary tourist merchandise, souvenirs, but also brings together the most essential parts, the most unique and most innovative travel products. Linhai Green Source brings a combination of outdoor furniture is simple and convenient, Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Olinda holiday resorts can build their own huts, Zhejiang Xing United States to hangzhou travel bring an electric patrol car green, Shenzhen Japan Hengli wind, solar, wind and solar system, Zhejiang true vacuum sanitary systems create, Beijing blue ecological clean toilets, etc. who are fully reflect the tourism products of the "new technology, new form." In addition, the provinces in travel expo exhibition, full of regional style hall built, fully reflects the local customs, Shaoxing Xian Heng Hotel, the town of Pingyao in Shanxi, Shaanxi and other large poster of the Terracotta Warriors, became the domestic and foreign tourists stop to watch the land, travel expo has become a local tourist provinces recommend the best stage. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency China


Hong Kong Tours: Zhejiang Tour Administration Conference

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of founding the Chinese Communist Party, June 28, the Zhejiang Tourism Bureau Party Committee of retired party members hong kong tours held a forum, Fang Jinghua, deputy director of the Provincial Tourism Bureau, attended the meeting, the Provincial Tourism Bureau deputy party secretary Lu Zhao Jun-hosted.

Fang Jinghua, deputy director of the retired party members have informed the recent work of Provincial Tourism Bureau, and that in our 90th anniversary, we should cherish the memory of the old members of Zhejiang Province, and bearing in mind the contribution of the tourism industry, and hong kong travel encourage a new generation of party members with gratitude and enthusiasm to join in the tourism industry to go, cherish the hard-won happiness, continued efforts to build a national tourist Zhejiang province. Finally, Fang Jinghua, Zhejiang Province, thank old members are still concerned about the tourism industry, the old leaders and old comrades and wished good health, happy. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

Specialties of Hangzhou

West Lake Lotus Root Starch: its unique flavor, rich in nutrition. Hangzhou Yuhang County Genshan door to the West Lake area is the main origin of lotus root starch, produced by Sam Ka Tangxi particularly famous, the old Royal is a "tribute powder." Lotus is the lotus stems in the ground, made of hangzhou tours specially processed lotus root starch, was a thin sheet, smooth texture, white in color and rosy. Taking a small amount of cold water when you just need to reconcile, then water prepared into a paste, lotus root starch crystal clear after brewing, taste mellowness, their remaining Jin appetizers, nourishing Qi effect, is perfect for babies, the elderly the patient's tonic.

Chrysanthemum: Chrysanthemum Yiming small soup yellow, feverfew, it Anhui Chu Ju, bo-ju, Henan, Tang Ju, are well-known Chinese tea with chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum cultivation in China has a long history. "Hang white Gongju" has always been and "Longjing tea" and mention. Tribute has been made in ancient times.  West Lake  hangzhou travel water shield: water shield is a perennial aquatic plants, leaves oval, dark green color, tender stems and leaves back has a transparent jelly material. Edible part is submerged in water yet to start a new leaf. Rich in protein, vitamins and trace iron, high nutritional value. Made by the water shield is particularly delicious soup or soup, is listed as Hangzhou dishes.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Prince's Bay Park

Prince's Bay Park was built in 1988, the original accumulation of dredged for the West field. When the park was built, because of the mountains on the potential, cleverly hangzhou tours dug pool built to the terrain slope ups and downs, patchwork. According to legend, here was the text of Song Zhuang, Jing Xian Prince save two parks, so it is called the Prince Edward Bay. Prince Bay Park is located southwest of West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Nanping Mountain peak under litchi. Park area is 80 square meters, garden with an open channel Lake water diversion project as the main line, water into the lake, dam into a waterfall, and water into the continents, building bridges across the water, such as the formation of a lute Pazhou, Ascot Park, etc. space, opening and closing retractable affordable, fresh and pleasant sights. Park, Tokyo, Japan, there are thousands of cherry trees, bloom  hangzhou travel in mid-March, illuminating as heavenly clouds, beautiful. Park environment and suitable for Western-style wedding for festive and romantic atmosphere, a special column to create love, love the post office landscape. When you visit the beauty of the park, the more will be surprised to find that can actually park in Prince Edward Bay, wireless Internet, surf the wireless broadband. Prince Bay Park, known more detailed text refer, Prince Bay Park the latest real-time control information to the network will set foot on Prince Edward Bay is your best preparation before the trip park land. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Tips for Hong Kong Travel

Hong Kong hotels or expensive, so choose the right book is important channels oh. Before my trip to Hong Kong is a real network travelzen com set, Baidu will be able hk tours to search the site, the hotel rich above Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and the price is cheaper. However, when  hk tours the need for a landing to promote registration code ZLGVDTZV. Can enjoy the preferential points, a point is a dollar, the latter can continue to use.

Must have exit permits to go to Hong Kong and Macao. Office of the Public Security Bureau in the household where there is a special accreditation points, called for immigration center, the first run is 140, and 40. Run after the license within five years are valid. Then be endorsed. 20 from Hong Kong again. 20 from Macao once. (A lot of MM often go shopping in Hong Kong are built a lot of passes in the chapter) If not hk travel set with the free exercise of tour, we should do a how to get the itinerary. Hong Kong, then fly non-stop flights will be more expensive, few discount. You can choose to Guangzhou or Shenzhen, then in the past. Shenzhen Lo Wu to Hong Kong to over a bridge on to, Macau, Zhuhai Gongbei Customs to close. See a lot of friend, you can also take the train to. Shanghai and Beijing have a car, to Kowloon. To twenty hours or so. Hard sleeper is 560 words. Four or more counterparts, then you can half-fold, which is 560 round trip, very cheap. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Tour of Hangzhou Wonderland Cave

China's large cave with both land and water, one of the up to 116 meters of the "nine days flying dragon" Cliff by experts called "the first Nine Dragon Wall." Feng Shui hole length of 1200 meters, an area of ​​9200 square meters. Tour route are caused by twists and turns, up and down the Hangzhou tours gap significantly, along the way to watch "Pangu rift", "Cloud dam waterfall curtain", "agate jade wall," "stone clothing snow lotus", "nine days Dragon" and more than 40 groups or spectacular, or beautiful cave landscape.

Especially around the cave of one hundred thousand stone flowers, stone pearl, stone balls of fluff for the cave of the best landscape. And up to 20 meters of the cave waterfall was rare in the country. Finally, the only water ride electric trains along the 320 m underground river lengthy return. Military base is the only Asian Tour interactive real cave CS base, to undertake social enterprises and individuals, large, Hangzhou travel medium and small real CS activity, has become Tencent, Heng Group, China E-sports Assembly, grand Shushan, Shanghai Jiaotong University class president, Zhejiang University class president and other enterprises designated training base. Mountain scenic area is located southwest of Hangzhou city, is the original famous "Ten Lake Port" location, set "high, big, strange, dangerous" in a hole and into the "wind, water, gas, waterfall," as a whole, is open karst limestone cave of the crown. The famous "Mountain fantasy", also known as Spirit Cave, history called "cloud Quanling hole." , For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Farmers's Wonderland

Visitors can personally try to slash and burn and the pain, manipulation canoeing, riding carts, leisurely walking in the corridor between the fruits. Together with the park's performers can experience the Liangzhu ancestors' campaign. "For themselves or relatives handmade souvenirs, learning hangzhou tours traditional food production process. Can be "fully armed" to expand base in the "street fighting." Can be seen in the marketplace wonderful acrobatics, and sometimes small animals is the actor, dark "indigenous peoples", you can use a leaf, playing songs. Can also be rented small plots of land, do a "city farmer" to grow their own fruits and vegetables taste, appreciate the work and the joy of harvest.

Pleasant Village [New!] Goat and Big Big Wolf theme park full bloom slightly! Village treasure-hunting sheep, sheep village DIY, sheep, village guest, a souvenir village sheep, goats Village auditorium, sheep, village theater, cruising the village sheep, goats and other enrichment activities village courtesy  Hangzhou travel season waiting for you, quickly with parents to help children like Frankie Le wolf fight it! Harvest Carniva Farmer paradise mature fruits and vegetables in two small Zodiac, led by the owner to form a mighty parade, enjoy the festive dance music, and visitors experience the joy of harvest. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency China 


Hangzhou West Tianmu Mountains

If Huangshan "pines rocks pass universal," Lushan "Kuang Qixiu heaven", then the West Mount is the "tree canopy smell Kyushu," and thus enjoy the "natural garden" and "the" tree Kingdom "said the West Creek Mount 4, 5 Lake, 6-hole, 7 stream, 8, 9 pools, 12 rock, 27 rock, 28 peak, the ancient hangzhou tours and famous religious tourist attraction in 1986 the State Council announced as a national nature conservation District 1996 has been accepted by the person and the UNESCO biosphere Reserve, is a rare "species gene trove."

West Tian Mu Shan vegetation coverage rate of 95%, forest landscape is unique, with "old, big, tall, thin, and more, the United States" never said the world.

       Special care: the West Tian Mu Shan hangzhou travel mountains deep, dense forests, forested, often within the snake infested area, visitors to the best artificial quartzite along the mountain road, do not rush into the roadside bushes, to ensure safety.

       West Tian Mu Shan is a national forest and wildlife nature reserves, located in Hangzhou Lin'an 31 km, was the natural gift of a natural stunner.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Dragon Town

Dragon Town - "rent a girlfriend home to the New Year," filmed the play, "rent a girlfriend home for the holiday," Introduction: Recent national hit TV series "rent a girlfriend home to the New Year" 90% of the town plot in the gantry shooting, the convergence of history,
Hangzhou tours heritage and folk customs gantry, popular idol Chun Du actor and pure and lovely heroine Xue Jianing by viewers unanimously favorable. So far, the town still retains most of the gantry was filming the scene, attracting many tourists to visit a souvenir. Dragon clan in ancient China town is inhabited by the typical form, has still well preserved Ming and Qing dynasties style buildings or streets. Outside the town of Longmen Mountains and the majestic peak Plum tip Junba. Also known as Longmen Longmen town, located in southern Zhejiang Fuyang County, 16.1 kilometers away from the county. Department of the South Mountains, is Xianxialing Mountains, sharp peak elevation of 1067.6 meters Plum, the peak for the county. Qing Qing is good twelve village south area. Are now the Longmen Township. Township People's Government in this. By the dragon, a dragon two dragon three, Long 5, Long seven, eight dragons, dragons together seven villages formed.

Mountain village with 14,715 acres, 3396 acres of cultivated land, of which 3083 acres of paddy field, dry land 303 mu. Primary production of rice, wheat, concurrently , hangzhou travel sericulture, fruit, asparagus, lily, tea, small green beans and other crops, major mineral deposits within the stone coal, limestone, bluestone, phosphate, Clay, clay and so on. Stone coal, limestone, widely distributed, large reserves, is the brick and cement production, lime burning an important raw material. Abundant water resources, the village has a small hydropower station 5, installed 990 kilowatts, the annual electricity output of 1.138 million degrees. Wang Zhang highway through the village, and from the steady stream of vehicles, and convenient transportation. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency China