
Hangzhou Travel: July Red Tour

"A boat out of a major party, the spirit of the red boat is also the source of China's revolutionary spirit, we travel through the red, better hangzhou tours publicity, inherit and carry forward the spirit of the red boat, encourage cadres and the masses love the party and socialism, more consciously the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. a region, a scenic area, with its unique landscape and its unique cultural good combination, is this area, the region where the core competitiveness of the tourism industry. Jiaxing is around the development of red tourism red Boat, the birth of our party, this a very valuable spiritual wealth, cultural resources and beautiful scenery of Jiangnan good combination, so that the entire South Lake tourism content, quality can be more improved, the tourists have a more profound impression. "this is a CCTV focus" touch the red mark "- the development of red tourism feature film Jiaxing Municipal Committee Li Weining interview clips.
     Not long ago, CCTV Focus program director Yixing Jiaxing come for three days of interviews, planning and production of the development of red tourism in Jiaxing theme of "touch the red mark" feature film. This is to welcome the 90th anniversary of the implementation of the hangzhou travel national spirit of red tourism working conference planning and production of feature films. CPC Central Committee, Central Committee, Liu Yunshan recently visited the Propaganda Department, the birthplace of the party - Jiaxing inspection, investigation Jiaxing culture, red tourism construction, about to open a new museum commemorating the revolution of South Lake gave a high evaluation, said the new museum "building first-class, first class facilities, showcasing first-class." The CCTV's "Focus" red tourism focus Jiaxing, Jiaxing, as is the "red classics, modern interpretations," the concept of practice and special options.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

