
Hangzhou Travel: Keep Nanjing in Visitors's Mind

Nanjing city tourism function is greatly improved to speed up tourism industry from the "ticket economy" to "integrated economy" restructuring. By 2015, the city of Nanjing domestic tourist number exceeded 1 million passengers, the total tourism revenue exceeded 200 billion yuan, tourist arrivals exceeded 300 million passengers, an average stay of tourists in Nanjing 4 days.Reporters learned hangzhou tours that an interview in Nanjing, Sun Yat-sen, the two scenic Xuanwu Lake to cancel tickets after the Nanjing "city that tourism" development ideas more prominent. Nanjing is currently working on planning, integration and construction area of ​​40 square kilometers, the Purple Mountain - Xuanwu Lake as the core landscape of Central Park. In this large range, all kinds of tourism products and factors in the space, resources and transportation routes will be optimized to achieve multiple, combination, "five-second" period, the highlight of Nanjing city landscape characteristics of the urban forest park, will become Nanjing the most powerful area.

"South style" - the old South Historic District, Nanjing Nanjing is the next key protection, rehabilitation, "series" of area. Nanjing, the ancient capital of the old South has a rich cultural and historical resources, marketplace, protection, revitalization of this neighborhood is equivalent to retain the style and texture of ancient cultural context. "Five-second" period, "the series' old South residential group, the hangzhou travel Confucius Temple, Zhonghua Gate Castle, Qin Huai River, 1865 block, etc., the most able to demonstrate Nanjing unique historical and cultural characteristics of the local marketplace, will be the most tourists tastes, hang around the place. Nanjing's tourism attractions have their breakthrough single construction and operation of the pattern is to form the region and the whole city as one of the largest travel patterns, tourism in the Yangtze River Delta and the Nanjing market in the country, will reflect the city's comprehensive competitiveness. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

