
Hangzhou West Tianmu Mountains

If Huangshan "pines rocks pass universal," Lushan "Kuang Qixiu heaven", then the West Mount is the "tree canopy smell Kyushu," and thus enjoy the "natural garden" and "the" tree Kingdom "said the West Creek Mount 4, 5 Lake, 6-hole, 7 stream, 8, 9 pools, 12 rock, 27 rock, 28 peak, the ancient hangzhou tours and famous religious tourist attraction in 1986 the State Council announced as a national nature conservation District 1996 has been accepted by the person and the UNESCO biosphere Reserve, is a rare "species gene trove."

West Tian Mu Shan vegetation coverage rate of 95%, forest landscape is unique, with "old, big, tall, thin, and more, the United States" never said the world.

       Special care: the West Tian Mu Shan hangzhou travel mountains deep, dense forests, forested, often within the snake infested area, visitors to the best artificial quartzite along the mountain road, do not rush into the roadside bushes, to ensure safety.

       West Tian Mu Shan is a national forest and wildlife nature reserves, located in Hangzhou Lin'an 31 km, was the natural gift of a natural stunner.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

