
Customize Tour Packages to Sichuan

Currently, Sichuan tourist attractions and the surrounding environment, the tourism market order-cum-security special operations are conducted within the province. Through "joint police brigade" approach, the province's major tourist attractions and the surrounding disturb the market order to effectively curb illegal activities, tourists and tour operators to protect the legal interests of the province's tourism image has been enhanced. Among them, Leshan and Yibin two particularly prominent.
Leshan: Police Brigade hailed the joint fight against soliciting
Leshan tourism, public security departments to fully play two "joint police brigade" mechanism, joint strike out and hailed Travel Sike seal soliciting other illegal acts.
Leshan tourism-related law enforcement detachment official told reporters: "The local travel agents to hold within the specified time the travel agency seal, corporate chapter, financial seal, invoice stamp, etc., were to Leshan City Public Security management and tourism law enforcement detachment to detachment record management. "As of now, the city had 22 Travel Service Head Office and 15 travel bureaus record.
In addition, Leshan also strengthen the tourism market check, stop soliciting behavior. Since late June since Leshan tourism law enforcement detachment has been deployed 40 law enforcement vehicles travel times, more than 100 times law enforcement officers, highway entrance to the Leshan city center, tourist attractions and other places along the squat and inspections to prevent the thrust block soliciting people to recover self-driving tour of foreign tourists, dining.
In addition, the Leshan tourism sector also control department with the city, on the fish restaurants along the scenic roads, "a shop bringing more" behavior and special treatment.
Yibin: meals, lodging, shopping entertainment travel with more confidence
Around the "room and board, travel shopping entertainment" six elements of tourism, Yibin further increase the tourism regulatory and law enforcement. Today, visitors in the Bamboo Sea area, dining area Xingwen Dan Haijing can be more assured.
The combination of special events, Yibin travel the road transport market to carry out rectification. Strengthen the linkage of urban and rural transportation authority mutual aid, joint law enforcement operations, and severely punish the Bamboo Travel Agency and other illegal hiring non-qualified passenger vehicles operating tourist behavior.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

