
Tour of Hangzhou Wonderland Cave

China's large cave with both land and water, one of the up to 116 meters of the "nine days flying dragon" Cliff by experts called "the first Nine Dragon Wall." Feng Shui hole length of 1200 meters, an area of ​​9200 square meters. Tour route are caused by twists and turns, up and down the Hangzhou tours gap significantly, along the way to watch "Pangu rift", "Cloud dam waterfall curtain", "agate jade wall," "stone clothing snow lotus", "nine days Dragon" and more than 40 groups or spectacular, or beautiful cave landscape.

Especially around the cave of one hundred thousand stone flowers, stone pearl, stone balls of fluff for the cave of the best landscape. And up to 20 meters of the cave waterfall was rare in the country. Finally, the only water ride electric trains along the 320 m underground river lengthy return. Military base is the only Asian Tour interactive real cave CS base, to undertake social enterprises and individuals, large, Hangzhou travel medium and small real CS activity, has become Tencent, Heng Group, China E-sports Assembly, grand Shushan, Shanghai Jiaotong University class president, Zhejiang University class president and other enterprises designated training base. Mountain scenic area is located southwest of Hangzhou city, is the original famous "Ten Lake Port" location, set "high, big, strange, dangerous" in a hole and into the "wind, water, gas, waterfall," as a whole, is open karst limestone cave of the crown. The famous "Mountain fantasy", also known as Spirit Cave, history called "cloud Quanling hole." , For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

