
Hong Kong Tours: Jinan New Hot Spring

832.801 m! Recently launched in Jinan City, the largest spring census activities in the southern mountain ridge mountain ladder was found at the water the horses spring to become the highest elevation ever discovered Jinan spring.  8 am, under the guidance of a local guide, follow hk tours the spring survey team into the ladder by the water curtain Shanxi Lu Gap area, walk up along the mountain, about 40 minutes trip to find spring water the horses. A spring located on the ridge Wang, Quan Chi made of stone and assembled, horseshoe. Spring pool the strengths 4.1 meters, maximum width of 3.7 meters. Pool depth of 50 cm, hand touch of the cool earth. Subsequently, the survey team used GPS equipment to locate the pool of spring, the spring is 832.801 meters above sea level.

Newly discovered spring water can enter the name list of spring? TIAN Xiao-dong said the census to be fully completed, will be to collate information on the screening of spring water, spring water and invited experts to demonstrate newly discovered spring. Experts from the spring water emission, there is the history of the time, spring water on the surrounding residents and the environment impact assessment hk travel and other aspects. After the demonstration by the expert assessment, the results form a written report, submitted to the Municipal People's Congress for review, the municipal people's congress to discuss and decide whether to comply with the conditions spring springs were included in the directory name of spring.  It is understood that this screening program to establish the city's first spring geographic information database, written account of Jinan springs natural landscape and cultural landscape, "Jinan springs annals." As of 8 pm, has been screening spring 388, a new found spring 82. For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

