
Grand Buddha Set in Jiuhua Mountain

In the morning, Jiuhuashan open at Jizo statue siding installation celebration.It is understood that traffic police will put police entrance located in the switching center, Circle mouth, nine Yin Bridge Crossing, the second in the intersection, cross the old fifty-nine line the mouth, Ke Village Street entrance, Song Village intersection (two points), "Copper like a celebration, "the main duty site other eight points, while arrangements for major road motorcycle patrols, especially along the junction of strict control, step up patrols to stop vehicles on the road leading to the active site of the temporary or long-parked. Another is to strengthen the "tourist hub" traffic light area management, good traffic diversion, to divert work to do to participate in celebrations of the guests vehicle guidance.

Up to now, a large bronze statue of Jiuhuashan 99 meters have been put into construction projects amount to about $ 100 million to complete the pouring of concrete core wall approximately 67.1 meters, completed the podium 90% of the quantities, copper, bronze mounted scaffolding has been completed, project installation phase into a copper body. Expected, the bronze statue of siding installation will be completed in June next year, the statue was completed in September next year finishing, corrosion, paint work, the entire project is expected to be completed in 2008 and to achieve great temple statue during the opening.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

