
Specialties of Hangzhou

West Lake Lotus Root Starch: its unique flavor, rich in nutrition. Hangzhou Yuhang County Genshan door to the West Lake area is the main origin of lotus root starch, produced by Sam Ka Tangxi particularly famous, the old Royal is a "tribute powder." Lotus is the lotus stems in the ground, made of hangzhou tours specially processed lotus root starch, was a thin sheet, smooth texture, white in color and rosy. Taking a small amount of cold water when you just need to reconcile, then water prepared into a paste, lotus root starch crystal clear after brewing, taste mellowness, their remaining Jin appetizers, nourishing Qi effect, is perfect for babies, the elderly the patient's tonic.

Chrysanthemum: Chrysanthemum Yiming small soup yellow, feverfew, it Anhui Chu Ju, bo-ju, Henan, Tang Ju, are well-known Chinese tea with chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum cultivation in China has a long history. "Hang white Gongju" has always been and "Longjing tea" and mention. Tribute has been made in ancient times.  West Lake  hangzhou travel water shield: water shield is a perennial aquatic plants, leaves oval, dark green color, tender stems and leaves back has a transparent jelly material. Edible part is submerged in water yet to start a new leaf. Rich in protein, vitamins and trace iron, high nutritional value. Made by the water shield is particularly delicious soup or soup, is listed as Hangzhou dishes.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

