
Hangzhou Tour: Fenghua Peach Festival

The "sweet music Fenghua peach township tour and the line" as the theme of the 2011 China (Fenghua) Peach Peach Xikou Tourism and Culture Festival hangzhou tours and poetry will be held in Fenghua Xikou. Went to Crazy Love, the annual Peach Festival is a summer Fenghua Fenghua tourism event. This year's Peach Festival is not only rich in activities, and distinctive. First, the "sweet" a prominent theme, the "drunk beauty Peach Night" quiet river mobile landscape, "Sweet Happy shopping, Xikou consumption month" tourist season activities, "Sweet Memory" that the two mountain villages Film Week and other activities; second more visitors to participate in sexual activity, there is open pick Fenghua peach peach base tour, "Li Buddha goods peach" Sweet peach township hangzhou travel tours, "read the historical experience of agricultural products vulgar" Yantou village festivals, and open swim; Third Tourism and culture closely with the introduction of the 2011 China (Fenghua) peach peach Xikou Tourism and Culture Festival and the opening ceremony of poetry, "Yan Chuan product nectar Yulu express feelings" poetry Xikou peach, peach festival tourism promotion activities. It is reported, will run from mid-July and lasts until mid-August.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china 

