
Hangzhou Tours: Huzhou Displays Red Tour Tickets

Communist Party of China to establish 90 anniversary, Huzhou City, a private collector Shen Dihua elderly, gathered from many years received more than 7,000 tickets hangzhou tours in the red tourism out to more than 100 exquisite selection of tickets, tickets to carry out the development of red tourism, attract the majority of residents and travel enthusiasts came to watch, both for the party and presented a special gift, they also promote the development of red tourism Huzhou new steps.
Meanwhile, Huzhou city in order to fully tap and use the rich revolutionary history and cultural resources, and actively adjust the structure of the tourism industry, to develop red tourism, extensive education in patriotism and revolutionary tradition, the city's tourism economy and to promote sound and fast economic and social development, issued a special "red tourism Huzhou on accelerating the development hangzhou travel of a number of observations," and proposed to use about three years time, high standards of red and building a number of key tourist attractions, to create a certain influence of 1-2 included in the national campaign of red tourist routes, and building red tourism product development, marketing, management, personnel security, the four systems to enhance the level of development of red tourism industry, and strive to build our city, Zhejiang Province, the focus of the development of red tourism and Yangtze River Delta city of red tourism destination.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

