
Graceful Hangzhou

Yangtze River Delta's graceful, like his wife's considerate, as long as, always feel appropriate to that total cash Yihe's style. Coincided with the southern spring in March, is a good place to look for Spring. Bridges people, always picturesque Spring, drizzle it around the landscape Hangzhou tours was covered with a light aperture, adding more unique mood and southern charm.

Hangzhou Jiangnan the next most important, 3 West is a picture of the month, the bank glittering waves, little boat, the distance is kept empty mountains, indigo with Tsui. Walking in the embankments, feel the beauty of the landscape Chunxiao Sir Georg Solti, appreciate the West Lake in the misty rain in the mood. When spring comes, the miles of Long Beach was filled with green smoke color fog. West Lake, and Sir Georg Solti Baidi between peach and willow species, a willow a peach, peach tree, between trees Lau Fa, resulting in a very level landscape. "Peach should be read by the water, " Ying Ying clear water against the background of the West Lake that precisely is the "Dip Peach Gaan open"the scene, dressing like a waterfront beauty, fascinating.

To Hangzhou, you can not miss the unique Hangzhou travel view Xixi Wetland, one can follow the "You Are the One"in the footsteps of male and female, experience the beauty of the film in the Xixi. Less than 5 km away from Lake Xixi National Wetland Park, is the secondary city of rare wetlands, is currently the first and only set of wetlands, agricultural wetlands, cultural wetlands in one of the National Wetland Park, "a Streams a smoke "has become Xixi Wetland unique views. Xixi Wetland spring suitable temperature, rainfall, hikers walk apart, but also to visit the West Lake, one of eighteen King "Xixi plum. " When riding a small boat slowly rolling into the depths of Merlin, when the two sides of the kinds of bamboo style arouses Plum intoxicated.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency China

