
Top of Brightness: Mountain Daming in Hangzhou

Daming Mountain Scenic Area for the state AAAA-level scenic spots, is located southwest of Lin'an City, alias acres of fields, Shandian flat, Quanta acres, hence the name. According to legend, the emperor thus defeat the uprising, he lay on the stone, hence the name; emperor worship the settlement had on stage, so the top bit will be set; emperor acres Tuen military fields, recruiting, training together, sit back Hangzhou tours and killed down the hill, Lay Daming country, so Mount called Damingshan. This mountainous peaks rocks, Sen Song Qiaoba, enough said attractions. A white snake rock, kite peaks, hidden the forest, Yulong waterfall. E afar, such as the assassination of seven peaks seven days, said Feng Jian; Peak stream winds, slender fish, such as bamboo, bamboo leaves, said the fish; Mid-levels with waterfalls, a crash down the momentum of the ups.

Damingshan area of ​​about 29 square kilometers. Daming Mountain Scenic Area as the main body, a total of 32 peaks, 13 streams, 8 waterfall. "Changhua County "contains: "Daming county West ninety years, thousands of acres of their top wide as the plains. " micro-Tang Xuanzong legend, the first retreat here, and write poetry Ming-chi: "mountains through the stone to endure labor, land In high mountains far away to Hangzhou travel know. streams How can retain, after all, as the sea waves. "This mountainous peaks rocks, Sen Song Qiaoba, enough said attractions. A white snake rock, kite peaks, hidden the forest, Yulong waterfall. Yuan Wang stabbed seven peaks, such as E-day, said seven Feng Jian; Peak stream winds, slender fish, such as bamboo, bamboo leaves, said the fish; Mid-level waterfalls, a crash down the momentum of the ups. With many beautiful monuments of folklore. There is a stone, flat as a couch, according to legend Emperor Zhu barrier to this uprising was defeated, was lying on the stone, hence the name "Son of Heaven Stone "; emperor worship the settlement had on stage, so the top bit will be set; ZHU Jun acres Tuen barrier field, Recruiting, training students gather, sit back and kill down the mountain, lay the Ming country, so Mount called Damingshan.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china

