
Tibet Travel: The Equipment Your prepare

Tourists to Tibet what equipment to prepare it? Tibet Tourism Bureau professional advice, tourist travel to Tibet in the choice of equipment, be sure to consider the tourist routes, tourist destination, the climate and the environment, do not blindly buy travel equipment, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble and loss. The average elevation of 4,500 meters of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the "roof of the world," said. This low air pressure, oxygen 50% less than the plain areas, the temperature difference between day and night, windy and dry, strong sunlight and UV radiation. Therefore, travel to Tibet to visit other places with different, more things need to be prepared.

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China Adventure: Japan Private Tour to Shenyang

August 17, Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Tourism Liu Xiuzhi Secretary Tourism Bureau, met with visiting Japanese Sasebo City Planning Department of International Policy Division at the end of Wing Lung Division, Sasebo Tourist Association Division minister Akagi Wang, Sasebo City Tourism Property Promotion Bureau in the island Yasuko and other guests.
Liu Xiuzhi Secretary of Sasebo City, guests at the Shenyang International Tourism Festival welcomed the visit, she said, Shenyang and Sasebo City in recent years in promoting bilateral economic and trade, tourism and cooperation in education and achieved a lot. Japanese tourism has many high-quality tourist product, in addition to the traditional tourist routes, the western Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Kumamoto for Shenyang, also has a strong tourist attraction. The tourism industry hopes the two sides of the docking well, to further promote the exchange of the two tourists, youth exchange and economic and trade exchanges.
The end of Wing Lung Division, said that he was pleased to visit Shenyang International Tourism Festival Shenyang. He said recently visited in the Zhongshan Park in the international tourism exhibition, the show's size and number of visitors are very surprised, grateful, Shenyang Municipal Bureau of Tourism to build such an Shenyang public communication platform, Sasebo City will continue to pay attention and participate in Shenyang held similar events. Sasebo guests visiting Sasebo to Liu Xiuzhi Secretary introduced the most famous Kujukushima, Huis Ten Bosch Sasebo and other tourist attractions and abundant food resources, all kinds of celebrations and so on.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hong Kong Tour: Milky Way of Love

Vice Governor Zhang Tong, the provincial CPPCC vice chairman Qiu Yue, Zhang Dahua Provincial Tourism Bureau, Provincial Department of Culture, deputy director of Yanrong Li, Du Haibo provincial propaganda department, the provincial Radio and TV Station horsepower, Shiyan Municipal People's Government jointly launched the Mayor Zhou Ji grand "Milky love" love songs show.

"Tanabata" Night of the "Milky Way of Love" songs show the large-scale festivals to a climax. Shiyan City Vice Mayor Shen Qiang of 77 couples witnesses. Jiang Dawei from the three areas, students pay a couple flute, Tengger, Yu Quan, Jolin Tsai, David Tao, Tang Can, Xiong Rulin, Heng, Yang Kun, Nine units on the same combination of singing.

Tanabata Festival this by Hubei Provincial Propaganda Department, the Provincial Department of Culture, the Provincial Tourism Bureau, Shiyan Municipal Government, is excellent culture Yunxi promote the implementation of the "Travel county" strategy is an important carrier of historical and cultural heritage, promote Shiyan tourism as an important platform, will be boosting Shiyan tourism, promote the culture of the Han River, showing the image of Hubei, the spiritual heritage of Chinese civilization feast. Festival will attract over 10,000 participants at home and abroad, more than 20 media correspondents at home and abroad to be interviewed.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Tour: Huangshan Train Tour

August 6, in the cheerful sound of drums, made ​​from Guangzhou to slowly air-conditioned tourist train stops in the Huangshan train station, from Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Foshan and other places of more than 800 tourists were riding with laughter Huangshan on the beautiful earth.

"My children and wife married 30 years, and today just in time for Tanabata, our tours are also arranged a 'Qingrengu' said the Jadeite, which is the best way to commemorate our marriage is very happy." Under car, aunt holding his wife said happily. "I took advantage of summer vacation to experience the cool Huangshan, travel by train along the way feel very comfortable, very convenient." Face is still the joy of reading Masong Zhi.

Huangshan tourism market order to further increase the development of summer, early July in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Shunde, Guangzhou and other major efforts to carry out a tourism "Three" marketing, a comprehensive development in remote markets, marketing ideas, vigorously promote summer tourism , plan, organize marketing activities, the use of tourism marketing incentives to promote enterprise docking market, stimulate local travel agents publicize and promote the Huangshan tourism products.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Hangzhou Tour: Huaian Tour

June JAC earth, ocean waves, grass green, pack of charming scenery. A rain leaving Watertown Huai'an verdant, beautiful. With the rapid development of the tourism industry to explore the mysteries of Huai'an purpose, we interviewed a group of his party came fascinated historical cities and cultural city, eco-Watertown, Industrial Park Huai. Beautiful natural scenery, cultural heritage and a unique heavy Huaiyang dishes we linger, Huai'an a foothold on their own resources to go the road of cultural and ecological tourism development approach is to have left a deep impression. Like a jade belt in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, past the prestigious "Canal City" Huai is quietly rising, while leveraging the rapid economic and social development of the Huai an important support for the tourism industry. On Huai'an tourism development, party secretary Liu Yongzhong full of deep feeling: "God of this land Huai'an soft spot for love with Canada, given here, 'a brand', our purpose is to make good use of these brands, to lay the cultural brand , eco card, so Huai'an become desirable tourist destination. "

New way to speed up development of large-city travel
In 2008, the Huai municipal government vision, assess the situation and propose closely around the Jiangsu provincial government's "important to Huai'an into Northern cities' strategic positioning, full speed up to build a large traffic, cultivating a large industry, the development of large circulation, prosperity and great culture, development of tourism, "the five-building" grand strategic vision. Liu Yongzhong secretary had made ​​a humorous example: "If the city is an important center of Northern Taiwan face, the face of the five supporting construction of the station is five powerful Tai Zhuzi." Municipal government of this strategic decision, not only as pointed out the direction for future development Huai'an, but also for tourism development ushered in the spring Huai. "Tourism is the development of green engine, we travel to sing the trilogy: The first step sing of Jiangsu, the second step sing country, the third step sing the world," Liu Yongzhong secretary of the poetic words, confidence and passion.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


China Adventure: Fuan Historical Streets

Downstairs village, a river located in Fuan City Ningde handle column Ocean Park south of town, a mysterious village. 32 regular shape of big houses, the earliest was built Jiaqing thirteen years, the big wide shape spectacular, unique architectural features.

Chen Zhihua, an architecture professor at Tsinghua University, twice in this research, and the book "downstairs village", praised it as "the most ancient houses in Fujian characteristics." In January 2008, the village has even been downstairs Fujian Provincial People's Government as the third installment of historical and cultural village.

But recently, villagers in the downstairs about our ancestors left these "wealth", the marvel. As the wind and sun, inadequate protection, the village of ancient houses have been damaged to varying degrees; some beautiful wood carvings, screens have been stolen to sell; even more distressed the individual rooms of the old one's actually turned into a pig of the village. Thirty buildings in a large house, now preserved only more than twenty buildings, ancient houses group precarious.

Downstairs into the village, as the country turned a simple leisurely picture, the patchwork of seclusion in the mountains between the big house. Stone along the road about two meters wide shuttle, so is the yellow walls of rammed earth. Place in them, feeling a kind of strong sense of the historical vicissitudes.
According to village elders introduced Jiaqing years, Liu Liu Xiangrong ancestors of the first buildings built in the village mansion, known as "Yang the house." Then his descendants in the neighboring position, gradually built a shape similar to the big house. Concentrated in large houses in three villages in the middle of the lateral trunk. From Jiaqing Xianfeng three years to thirteen years, a total of thirty traditional residential buildings going up in this big house, even into spectacular residential group.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china


Customize Tour Packages to Sichuan

Currently, Sichuan tourist attractions and the surrounding environment, the tourism market order-cum-security special operations are conducted within the province. Through "joint police brigade" approach, the province's major tourist attractions and the surrounding disturb the market order to effectively curb illegal activities, tourists and tour operators to protect the legal interests of the province's tourism image has been enhanced. Among them, Leshan and Yibin two particularly prominent.
Leshan: Police Brigade hailed the joint fight against soliciting
Leshan tourism, public security departments to fully play two "joint police brigade" mechanism, joint strike out and hailed Travel Sike seal soliciting other illegal acts.
Leshan tourism-related law enforcement detachment official told reporters: "The local travel agents to hold within the specified time the travel agency seal, corporate chapter, financial seal, invoice stamp, etc., were to Leshan City Public Security management and tourism law enforcement detachment to detachment record management. "As of now, the city had 22 Travel Service Head Office and 15 travel bureaus record.
In addition, Leshan also strengthen the tourism market check, stop soliciting behavior. Since late June since Leshan tourism law enforcement detachment has been deployed 40 law enforcement vehicles travel times, more than 100 times law enforcement officers, highway entrance to the Leshan city center, tourist attractions and other places along the squat and inspections to prevent the thrust block soliciting people to recover self-driving tour of foreign tourists, dining.
In addition, the Leshan tourism sector also control department with the city, on the fish restaurants along the scenic roads, "a shop bringing more" behavior and special treatment.
Yibin: meals, lodging, shopping entertainment travel with more confidence
Around the "room and board, travel shopping entertainment" six elements of tourism, Yibin further increase the tourism regulatory and law enforcement. Today, visitors in the Bamboo Sea area, dining area Xingwen Dan Haijing can be more assured.
The combination of special events, Yibin travel the road transport market to carry out rectification. Strengthen the linkage of urban and rural transportation authority mutual aid, joint law enforcement operations, and severely punish the Bamboo Travel Agency and other illegal hiring non-qualified passenger vehicles operating tourist behavior.For more information, please shift to Travel Agency china